Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Doorway Yoga

    Here is a quick and easy door frame or doorway yoga practice that you can do whenever you need a quick relief to your back. The target here is the spine with a lateral side stretch, mini backbend and also a twist. Half Moon 1 (Side Lateral Stretch) One side of the door frame =…

  • Grounded in the Present Moment

    Baron Baptiste’s book Journey into Power“All life happens in the present moment. All we really have is the moment that is right here, right now, in front of us. Any moment that happened in the past is a memory, and any moment that will happen in the future is a fantasy. Memories and fantasies can…

  • Mindful Breathing: Ocean Breath

    There are so many benefits of mindful breathing and increasing the length of the breath cycle. This is free and easy to do. It also can be done at anytime during your day! The magic is in the slowness of the breath cycle. Consciously breathing and lengthening the cycle to around 10 seconds per breath…

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