Author: Carol Bailey

  • Starting a Mindfulness Practice (Step One)

    Consider this post as STEP ONE…Creating the habit of setting aside time in your day. Starting small with just 5 minutes. STEP TWO will be in the following post = Just imagine if you listened to what you needed…truly tuned into your internal world…and actually took complete care of yourself. Mind, body and spirit.…

  • Santosha (Gratitude & Contentment)

    My favorite Niyama (set of ethical guidelines from the Yoga Sutras) is Santosha. The Niyamas act like a map to guide you on your life’s journey. The Niyamas are personal practices that relate to your internal world, your inner observances, how you relate to yourself. Santosha translates to mean contentment. In order to be content…

  • Yoga 101 = Yoga Definition & History

    This is a new series to my blog where I will some brief explanations on various yoga topics. These can be very helpful if you are new to the practice. Yoga Definition There is really no one definition of yoga. The word itself from Sanskrit is from the root word yug which can be translated…