Category: Yoga Intentions

  • Yoga Intentions vs Our TO DO lists

    A daily “to do” list or monthly goals are wonderful ways to stay organized and motivate yourself to do something healthy like exercise. But in yoga, there is a term called an intention.  It is from the Latin word intendere or intentio which means both “stretching” and “purpose”.  Instead of a goal or resolution, there…

  • Heart Chakra = Reconnect to Self-care

    Anahata or “unstruck sound” is the Sanskrit name for our Heart Chakra or wheel of energy. It represents love and compassion. Not just for others, but also for self. Even though taking care of ourselves and resting is the most important thing we can do each day, it is often the more difficult to do!…

  • Playful & Fun Yoga Practice

    Sometimes we get in a routine in our yoga practice. This is not unusual. As human beings, we actually enjoy routines, they are safe and familiar to us. It only becomes a problem when we are “stuck” or unwilling to try new things. We stick with the same teachers, same studio/class, even label non-traditional poses…