Author: Carol Bailey

  • Yoga Intentions vs Our TO DO lists

    A daily “to do” list or monthly goals are wonderful ways to stay organized and motivate yourself to do something healthy like exercise. But in yoga, there is a term called an intention.  It is from the Latin word intendere or intentio which means both “stretching” and “purpose”.  Instead of a goal or resolution, there…

  • Samma Vrtti

    There is a pranayama technique called Samma Vrtti which translates to mean Equal Breathing. It is a way to pull your attention to your breath, which can provide a focal point for your mind during your meditation or relaxation. I suggest starting with noticing the current length of your inhale and exhale. This will allow…

  • Meditating on the Heart Center

    Living with joy and sadness in your heart, living with them both at once, and doing so with courage and compassion, is what it means to be on the path to integration. Judith Hanson Lasater I have been humbled with the wisdom from Judith Hanson Lasater this past year. I have taken her restorative training…