Heart Chakra = Reconnect to Self-care

Anahata or “unstruck sound” is the Sanskrit name for our Heart Chakra or wheel of energy. It represents love and compassion. Not just for others, but also for self.

Even though taking care of ourselves and resting is the most important thing we can do each day, it is often the more difficult to do! We get busy within the momentum of daily life, distract ourselves with social media and shows, feel guilty if we take a break or (worst of all) convince ourselves that self-care is selfish. The list is LONG and the reasons/excuses vary daily.

The truth is that taking care of ourselves is the most selfless act we can do. Taking a daily break means we are in a better mood for those around us, we have a greater mind focus to not cause accidents, and even make better decisions which affect others. A prime example is that I always hope that any of my doctors prioritize a daily self-care for themselves to stay rested and focused, so that they can take great care of me. I am not comparing myself to a doctor, I am just saying that we all have important things to do in our day. We all impact others, and a way for us to show our loved ones that we care, is to actually rest.

Try to take a pause right now.

Mini Meditation with Simple Breath Focus & Silence

Obviously as a yoga teacher, I would use my restful breaks to be quiet in a restorative pose or laying in savasana. However, it can be whatever you find that fills you up so that you feel whole again. During the last month, I have found naps during the day has helped me. We just got a new puppy so the lack of sleep was impacting my mental clarity and even how I felt physically. I found the rule of when the puppy naps, you nap, to be 100% accurate! It has been around 6 weeks with her now so I am getting back to what makes me feel whole and complete, my yoga practice. I am taking an online course on meditation, filming yoga videos again and doing online Zoom classes each week. It feels great to take care of myself again so I can be there for the ones I love so much.

Click HERE for a gentle flow video for the Heart Chakra.



