Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Yoga for Upper Back, Thoracic Spine

    Thoracic Spine Basics 12 vertebrae, each supporting a pair of ribs. T1 to T7 wrapping around to connect to the sternum directly.  Natural strong convex curve or kyphosis that bends backwards. Built for stability and strength, not a ton of mobility. Connecting to the ribs to protect your heart, lungs, diaphragm. Urdhvam Merudanda Mudra Meaning…

  • Restorative = Simply Savasana

    Our daily life consists of taking in and processing a ton of sensory input (aka consuming) and also getting things done (producing).  Savasana is the limital space where you are not consuming nor producing anything. Another way to say it is making the shift from achieving to receiving. From doing to being. No input, no…

  • Balance & Harmony

    Do you feel balanced during your day? Enough time to rest? Is your mind active during most of the day or do you seek out quiet moments? Do you feel your day/life could have more balance and harmony? If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you are in the right place. You…

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