Category: Yoga Intentions

  • Water Element = Soothing Sound

    Related post: Water Element = Yin Yoga Connection Music is the most powerful sound there is since we both recognize it quickly and associate it with something as well, either positive or negative. This is part of our basic survival instincts. This music also includes natural sounds like bird singing or water flowing. For example,…

  • Mantra Meditation

    Have you ever listened to white noise or did some humming and found it to be relaxing? There is a reason for it, when you do vocal chanting or humming, you increase your vagal tone which can decrease an inflammatory response in the body. This means you are bringing your nervous system back into balance.…

  • Ayurveda Allergy Season

    I have been practicing sinus care for years now, I used to have intense seasonal allergies (especially in Spring), indoor allergies to dust, suffer from yearly sinus infections and morning post-nasal drip. Basically I was never breathing with a clear nose which impacted my energy level and my mood. I am listing the items I…